We integrate on Romanian labour market adults that struggle to get a job, through 4 circular economy workshops:


We collect electrical and electronic waste, we recondition the IT equipment and we donate it to schools and rural areas.


We upcycle advertising banners and meshes, which we transform into ethical and sustainable fashion products.

ferma bio&co

We grow organically certified vegetables at the social farm in Ciocănari village and distribute them weekly in Bucharest.


We carry out copacking activities: packing, labelling, loading of sustainable and responsible products.

Ateliere Fără Frontiere is a non-profit organization, established in 2008, which integrates people from vulnerable backgrounds into the labor market in Romania, in a sustainable and environmentally responsible way.

Since 2019, AFF is affiliated to Groupe SOS, a global network working to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

The projects run by AFF respond to the need of excluded people to be socially and economically reintegrated in society, to the need for responsible waste management and the need for access to digital education in disadvantaged or isolated communities.

We integrate people in difficulty into the labor market, with care for the environment.

We believe in people. 


  1. Solidarity and Integration
  2. Systemic development
  3. Care for the environment, care for people
  4. Creativity and innovation
  5. Entrepreneurship
  6. Trust
  7. Social justice

Around the integration activities we created programs, projects and campaigns to:

  • help us fight against exclusion, poverty and discrimination
  • help us fight against waste and pollution
  • build solidarity and support local education and development

Learn about our projects

Dotăm școlile din România cu calculatoare recondiționate.

Dăm Click pe România

Digital school is for everyone

Dăm Click pe Romania is a program of the Ateliere Fără Frontiere Association that aims to digitize education in Romania and reduce the educational gap by equipping educational organizations operating in marginalized rural or urban areas with digital infrastructure: kindergartens, schools, high schools, non-governmental organizations or public institutions with a social character.

Since 2008, Ateliere Fără Frontiere has donated over 27,000 refurbished computers through its donation program. In total, 3163 educational organisations have benefited from equipment in the last 15 years, the equivalent of more than 10% of all schools in Romania.

Ateliere Fără Frontiere has been donating refurbished computers to rural schools in Romania since 2008, but since 2019 this program is called Dăm Click pe Romania and is financially supported by Kaufland Romania and OMV Petrom.

Inclusion has a voice

Empowering Vulnerable Groups for Inclusion and Social Innovation

We work together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe

Addressing one of the main causes of inequality and exclusion, the lack of a job, we aim to innovate socially by strengthening integrated activation services and campaign for diversity among employers and a socially responsible approach in public administration.

The Inclusion has a Voice project is implemented with the financial support of Active Citizens Fund Romania, a program financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014 – 2021.

www.activecitizensfund.ro www.eeagrants.org

Solidarity Without Borders

Empowering refugees from Ukraine for autonomy and inclusion

We work together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe

The project proposes to increase the degree of employability of refugees by adapting the AFF socio-professional insertion model, respectively through an integrated approach to the already available services supported by unique and individualized case management that maps and coordinates the available solutions and that enables the beneficiaries to access them , support and/or own. Special attention is paid to the acquisition of Romanian language courses, an underserved need.

The project is carried out by the Ateliere Fără Frontiere Association, in partnership with Rise Romania – the Romanian Network of Social Insertion Enterprises, through the Active Citizens Fund Romania program, financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014-2021.

Self-reliance support for vulnerable refugees from Ukraine

The UNHCR – Workshops Without Borders partnership aims to ensure the long-term integration of vulnerable people in Romania, starting with refugees from Ukraine.

The project started in 2022 and continued in 2023, aims to provide the necessary support in accessing the conventional labor market in Romania, both by refugees and by Romanians from vulnerable backgrounds.

The project is carried out in collaboration with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Get in contact with us!


Olteniței Street. No. 105.
in the INTEC yard,
District 4, Bucharest,
041303 Romania

Phone number

+40 314 259 010
+40 744 66 33 94

Association data

CUI: 23989280
IBAN: RO95BRDE426SV43635404260 open at BRD Iancului Agency

Useful e-mail adresses:

Write us a message:

If you want to receive information from us, have questions, suggestions, recommendations, or if you want to get involved with us as a volunteer, send us an application, forward 3.5% of your income tax, make a donation or a sponsorship, please feel free to use the form below. Your message will reach us and we will be able to contact you as soon as possible with the information you need.